Package org.conical.common.bbl.auth

package org.conical.common.bbl.auth
Contains classes specific to user authentication.
  • Class
    Holds values used to configure and determine how an Authenticator retrieves access roles and other verification information for applications.
    An authorization source type (what type of resource is being queried for authorization credentials).
    The AuthDataSource class wraps a DataSource to be used in authenticating users and determining credentials.
    Exception thrown to indicate a problem with authentication.
    This interface defines an API that can be used to authenticate users and check for access roles.
    Responsible for returning an implementation of Authenticator appropriate for the given AuthConfig.
    Authenticates users and assigns access roles based on custom database tables.
    Encryption utility class provides methods related to string and plain-text encryption.
    Represents an encryption algorithm
    Authenticates users and assigns access roles based on LDAP queries.
    Encapsulates user attributes.